Gulkara | ELI- chat box interview
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ELI- chat box interview

ELI- chat box interview

ELI is a singer, songwriter from South London that draws inspiration from a range of different genres. Eli brings a unique sound with a heavy cultural influence and is looking to release her debut EP next year.

Tell me about yourself like when did you first start making music?

So, I started making music when I was about 10 years old my mum’s a singer and my sister does music as well so there would always be musical equipment at home there would always be like songs playing and so I would just sort of I don’t know, find a little corner somewhere we just play some music write some songs so yeh from about 10 years old.

Was there like a specific moment where you for our well I wanna take this to the next level and start doing it like full time?

Probably when I was about like 12 or 13 at school, yeah I would always like I loved talent competitions I was such a stage and I would always just throw myself into things and just I don’t know, do competitions do plays and so when I was about like 13 years old I sort of started like performing in front of the school and then from then I got picked up to that perform locally, gigs and things like that.

OK so did you study music in school or was it just something you did on the side?

I studied it at GCSE level, but I failed. But I think the whole class failed, it was really difficult. I just decided not to sort of take it forward, but I always did music externally, so I’d be part of like I don’t like youth groups or id be part of bands and things like that growing up so yeah I always did it a little bit here and there.

How would you describe your style?

I would say my music is quite lectic, alternative with a bit of Soul, bit of Funk, bit of Pop, bit of Rock here and there. Just like a big amalgamation of different styles, there’s also like a bit of my culture in it as well so there’s a bit of like Afro-Pop Afro-Fusion in there sort of underlying the kind of beat, the rhythms that kind of thing.

Are there any artists that influenced this or is it something that you develop yourself?

I mean I grew up listening to so much different music, there’s not one particular artist that makes me go “yeah like that’s, that’s who I wanna kind of imitate my sound after” but I would listen to like gospel growing up a lot of jazz a lot of like Whitney Houston and then I kind of had my like punk phase in my teen years. I listen to a lot of rock a lot of metal like slipknot like yeh hardcore stuff. Then I sort of grew out of that and I started really getting into pop in indie music listening to a lot of bands and then now I’m kind of going back to my roots a little bit I’m into a lot like afro-beats a lot of hip hop so its kind of been in stages I feel like all of those genres kind all kind of feed into my sound here and there and there’s a lot of like versatility I don’t like the thought of being boxed in.

Yeah of course I saw that you worked with those Dutch producers (Asketa & Natan Chaim) how did that come about?

Yeh! That was really good. So when I was 19 I was approached by some song writers who asked me if I wanted to do some top linings they really liked my songs, songs that id written. They wondered if I wanted to do some top lining and some song writing with them because they have like producers and artists and DJs always looking for vocalists and they sort of put us together I got sent like a song and I sort of wrote some lyrics over it. I was really vibing with it then yeah, the song came out so a lot of collaboration like international collaboration that I do with them I have like separate artist projects that I do and now and again I sort of feature so yeh.

Do you think that has helped with your exposure at all?

It has, it has a lot I’m kind of sort of within the industry there’s like a little pocket of people that know about me so that’s always fun to know.

Yeh that’s sick man. Has a pandemic had an impact on taking it to the next level? Maybe with shows and that?

It has a little bit sort of when the pandemic started what was it like last year-ish, I had a couple shows lined up here and there and they all got canceled because of the pandemic and I’ve just I played a show at Boxpark recently and that was like my first gig in about a year or so. I’ve done a couple zoom shows like virtual shows but that was my first sort of live one getting back into things and yeah there are a few more lined up but they’re all sort of depending on how things go.

How did you find the online shows? I’ve not been to one before, was it a weird experience?

It was a little bit weird yeah like the connection and Internet was like a massive hassle. I remember one live stream I did I started off in my room and they were like “yep na we can’t hear you, we can’t see you”  so I had to go downstairs and sit next to like the internet router and just sort of play in front of the window. Having to get my lighting stuff sorted like with some lampshades to look half decent but yeah it was very D.I.Y.

Lastly what’s next for you as an artist is there any artist that you want to work with, or do you have anything lined up already?

Yeh so I’m sort of in the process are creating and producing my EP which will hopefully come out early next year. I’m being supported by Help Musicians through to Do It Differently fund, they’re kind of funding a couple of my projects that I’m gonna be putting out later this year and that’s kind of what I’m working on right now. Just sort of getting more music out there I’m still sort of like at the start of my journey so I think that’s my main focus like doing that writing, putting music out, and putting some visuals out.

Yeah of course no that’s all exciting stuff I’m excited for you!

thank you so much thank you I’m excited, it’s very nerve-racking but I’m excited too.


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