Gulkara | Flowlosopha- chat box interview
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Flowlosopha- chat box interview

Flowlosopha- chat box interview

Flowlosopha (Flow-los-oh-fur) is an experimental rapper and producer from the UK midlands with a mix of laid-back and energetic sounds. Expect to see a new video soon for the track Gonzo Journalism!

Yo, you good?

Yeah, I’m good how are you man?

I’m cool man.

Nice, tell me about yourself bro like where are you from, and how do you get to music?

Cool yeh, so I’m a rapper, a producer, sound engineer from Leamington spa. I got into music, it started off really early, probably like five or six when I decided I wanted to do music like first I wanted to be in a band. I grew up listening to Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana that kind of thing, and then when I was like 11 I got 50 Cents Get Rich Or Die Trying, that album and that like just blew my little mind.

A classic!

There’s just certain lyrics on that and I can still recite whole verses to this day. At that age where I had never heard anything like it. It was like a completely new world to me, and it just opened my mind up to it and that. From there I always wanted to rap. So, then when I was like 16 I went to college and did music tech so I learned a little bit about production stuff, and then yeh took it from there.

Yeh, you can really see the mix of the two genres in your sound like the classic rock and then the hip-hop as well! I saw someone comment on one of your posts comparing you to Slowthai and I can see that.

Yeh, I like Slowthai. when I saw him having the success he had it was like it was good to see because I could see the comparisons as well so yeah that was nice.

Yeh, that’s it man. So, your name Flowlosopha where did that come from? Of course, I can kinda see like the wordplay like flow and then philosopher but is there more to it than that?

Yeh exactly. I said something deep like years ago and my mate was like “oh man you should call yourself philosopher” and I kind of just took that, added the flow and there you have it.

Ah, I see that. If you could pick one artist in the world right now to work with, who would it be?

One artist? That’s a tough one man. I think probably Damon Albarn yeh the guy behind Gorillaz. I just love like… I can’t even say his style coz he’s got so many different styles but like the way he just brings so many different pieces in and just sort of can almost work with anyone yeah I fucked with Gorillaz since their first album however many years ago that was like when Clint Eastwood and that first came out I’ve been heavy into it.

And the “How Do You Cope” video. That went crazy. What was the vision behind that? I know that mirrors play a part throughout and they’re also mentioned in the lyrics. Was that the focus?

So me and my videographer who’s also a rapper Mac Backwardz I had this one shot I wanted there’s this sort of like it’s not a castle but it kinda looks up at castle about an hour away from here I just had this vision of it being like the sort of like a focal point in the background we went up there and we shot some shots there and we were like yeah this is cool but what else are we guna do. The video needs a bit more so we had a little think and going on the idea of smoke and mirrors and that and so Mac went away and found loads of art pieces where they used mirrors so we basically took that he did a storyboard and then we sort of worked on developing it together and yeh that was probably the most effort I think we’ve put into a video on both sides. There’s a few shots that nearly broke his computer, you know the shot where I’ve got the mirror between my legs and the shots in itself? That one apparently like the CPU went through the roof.

I know all about that man, trust me. Alright bro to wrap things up, what’s next for you? Is there anything youre excited to share with us regarding your music?

Yeh man quite a few things thing so we’re doing the last shot for my next video tomorrow. that’s all based around uhh the tracks called gonzo journalism which is, there’s this writer Hunter S Thompson I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

Na I’ve not, but I’ve heard good things.

I’d recommend it but it’s all based on that. The movie is starring up Johnny Depp and it’s basically it’s about this like wild drug-fuelled trip to Vegas back in the seventies it’s basically all based around that so we’ve got one more shot for that and that’s ready to go. My EP is wrapped up just needs mixing and mastering and I’ll be putting that out probably around September time, I think. We’ve also with this company Tulu recently built a studio for like, video, photography, and music. So that’s all built now we’re just waiting for the equipment to get in. So yeah man I’m excited for the near future.

Yeah, I bet man. Just quickly, have you found that aspect of it all hard with covid?

The only thing that made it difficult really was gig wise and like collaborations wise. The first year of it I didn’t do any collaboration, didn’t really get anyone in the studio and I like working on my own because I do my own production and stuff like I can quite happily work my own but that first session back when I got to collaborate again just the energy it brings when you work with other people, it’s incredible. and yeah, we had like 2 tours booked just before covid so yeh that messed that up a bit but looking to get back into it now. I got my first gig on this Sunday (08/08/21) so that should be pretty fun.

Nice bro! Good luck with that. I’m excited to see your new video too because the last one was crazy. Anyway, thanks for your time bro.

No worries, thanks for reaching out man.


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