Gulkara | Jack David – Chat Box Interview
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Jack David – Chat Box Interview

Jack David – Chat Box Interview

Jack David is a 20-year-old rapper/singer from Loughborough. His music takes influence from a broad range of artists and styles to create a truly unique sound. Jack has become a great friend of the Gulkara family and we have lots of exciting projects in the works. Remember the name.

Yo what’s up bro?

Hey man.

Let’s jump straight into it. Where are you from and what was it like to grow up there?

I was born in Nottingham but I’m from Loughborough, to be honest, it’s like a rural villagey type of place, not much is really going on but I like that about it. Of course it’s not the best for like promotion type of things but still, I’ve always loved it here.

When did you decide to start making music?

I started making music in July of 2021, just after my 19th birthday. It was a looooong process getting started but I’ve always wanted to do it, so I guess it’s just like taking that first step if you get what I mean.

Fairly recent then! That’s crazy. Who are some artists that have inspired your style?

Artist influence kinda comes from all over the place with me. Growing up I listened to a LOT of Madonna and 80s/90s pop-sounding stuff from my mum, but on my own, I very much delved into hip-hop from an early age but it really goes all over the place. I take musical influence off of everyone I meet, whether it’s their music taste or literally anything, I love learning and adapting to new styles.

You dropped your first album last year, and you have been dropping singles consistently this year. What’s next for you?
Just working really. Got to keep up the grind haha, but apart from the stuff we’re working on with Gulkara just more singles, trying to expand my music to a broader audience, and really just trying to get heard. I potentially want to get into clothing and trying to do stuff like that but just haven’t got around to it yet but its something I’m definitely interested in, so I hope I get the chance to. But yeah, just working, taking it day-by-day, and most importantly of all – trying to make good music.

Where do you wanna take this?

As far as possible! I really think my music is something that everyone can find something to enjoy. Personally, I try to make everything sound a bit different with every song and I love trying to find a different genre I can mesh with another. It just keeps it more exciting for me, with the added bonus of giving somebody the music they like. Hopefully, want to start doing gigs as well pretty soon, that’s definitely on the bucket list for sure.

Lastly, is there anyone, in particular, you want to hop on a track with?

So, there are TONNES of people I’d want to get on a song with. Whether it’s Glaive or Babytron which seems like a massive gap between them but yeah, like I said before, I just want to get as many musical influences as possible into my sound just to like, personalize it to my own style you know? But yeah, definitely want to start working with local artists as well, I’m always down for it!



More from Jack David:

Heart Drawn Mess (Official music video)