Gulkara | REO – Chat Box Interview
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REO – Chat Box Interview

REO – Chat Box Interview

REO is a Plymouth-based rising star in the Hip-Hop and R&B scene. His debut Ep “7” dropped last year and he has plans to drop more music early next year. He provides a chilled vibe combining his soothing voice with relaxing tempos and we can’t wait to see where he takes his music in the future.


Hey bro!

Hey man, you alright?

I’m good man. How are you? 

Im good, I’m good, I’m good.

You wanna jump straight into it?

Yes please brother.

Sound, so how’s life treating you right now? you’re down here in Cornwall, right? 

Yes, I’m good. I’m literally at a show opening for David Walters at The Cornish Bank right now.

Oh mad, you’re at a show tonight?

Yeah yeh i’ve got a show tonight.

That’s crazy man, so how are you finding it down here in Cornwall? Have you been down here long?

I’ve been in Plymouth about two and a half years now and I’ve been coming down to Cornwall just the last couple months really and I’m loving it to be fair. It’s nice, I like the scenery, i like the food and I like the people. 

So you’re based in Plymouth? 

Yeh I’m Plymouth based.

Do you find the industry a little bit different in the southwest compared to the likes of London or Manchester? Have you noticed much of a difference? 

I’d say just based off my experience the southwest is more receptive, you know, they pull up to live shows a lot more. People are looking for that new sound especially my sort of sound, hip-hop, rap, or R&B because there’s not a lot out there down here. So there a lot more receptive towards it and everyones always looking to help. 

Yeh for sure! It’s definitely a growing community down here, especially in the last couple of years.

So what was your upbringing like? Was music a big part of it or is it more something you’ve grown into as you’ve got older?   

Music has always been a part of my life. I learned to play the violin when I was quite young, my mum was the choirmaster at church so I’ve always been taught to sing and perform, and I’ve always been involved in stuff like that. Yeh I took a little break from it all for a few years, especially with putting music out in general but more seriously I’ve started putting music out over the last year or so and it’s been going very well id say.

 Definitely. I mean your first single of the year dropped a couple weeks ago. I’m a massive fan of that one by the way. I think it’s an incredible song. 

Thank you, I appreciate it.

And that follows your debut ep from last year, right? 

Yes, yeh that’s right. My first single of the year dropped. My debut ep “7”, which was put out on a whim honestly but yeh so this is part of a new ep im planning to launch. I’ve not really worked out the dynamics of the name of it just yet but it’s definitely part of a new ep.

Right because that kinda leads on to the next question. Is there anything else coming before the new year? Or will this all be happening early next year? 

Um, I feel like maybe another single maybe early next year. And then the ep should drop after that or with it. I really don’t know yet. I haven’t fully concluded on that.

That’s understandable, I’m sure there’s lots of people that can’t wait for some new stuff. 

So you were at Boardmasters earlier this year, how was that?

It was a very interesting experience, that was my second show ever performing.

That’s quite a big stage!

Yeh man. I wasn’t really used to getting the crowd involved, I was just learning the ropes a bit. I guess now I’m a lot more confident because I’ve had a few more shows since then. Um but yeh man I loved it. It was my first festival ever so just being in the festival environment was pretty cool and ideally looking forward to doing it again.

Have you got it lined up for next year or do you have to wait and see?

I’m not too sure as of just yet but you never know.

I don’t want to take up too much of your time if you have a show tonight. So lastly, is there anyone in particular that you want to work with in the future

Are we talking like greatest of all time or just kind of right now?

Anything bro, if you could work with one artist in the world right now.

Drake, everyone wants to work with Drake you know?  But um in terms of closer by I’m working with a bunch of talented people. Phinest, Ashar from Bristol yeh man those guys are super talented. I just met them on Instagram and we really kicked it off and we’re gonna get some music sorted soon, and that should go really well. 

Can’t wait to hear it man.

Bro, as well as W1nterr3, i wanna work with w1nterr3!

We just dropped a new video literally 10 minutes ago, me and w1nterr3 with an artist called Jack David.

Bad Habits yeh?

That’s the one.

I’m going to check that out after sound check and stuff. W1nterr3 have been chopping it up for a little while now that’s my guy. He’s super talented, I don’t know why he’s not absolutely blown yet. He is sick. 

It’s only a matter of time before the Southwest gets a bit more recognition thers some crazy talented people down here for sure.


Alright man, thank you very much for your time.

Na thankyou.


Images by Jacob Martin

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